At the beginning of June 2023, the Birds of Prey Protection Foundation and the Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, an Institute of national importance for the Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade, in cooperation with JP “Rezervat Uvac” d.o.o. and experienced climbers of the Academic Speleological and Alpinist Club (ASAK) from Belgrade and the Speleological Club “Ponir” from Banja Luka successfully completed the marking of griffon vulture cubs.
Despite the bad weather conditions, a total of 19 cubs were marked in two shifts, and satellite transmitters were installed on two of them. The two cubs were too small to be marked.
The start of the action was opened by the new director of SRP “Uvac” Mr. Nikola Šaponjić.
I shift of the Foundation with the climbers
II shift of the Foundation with the climbers
Shots from this year’s marking