On the 29.07.2020. the Birds of Prey Protection Foundation from Belgrade, in cooperation with the Managing body of the “Vršac Mountains” and the Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, the Institute of National Importance for the Republic of Serbia University of Belgrade, with the permission of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, installed a suitable satellite transmitter on the Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus, which was in his natural nest. The bird was named OGNJENKA.
The following year, 31.07.2021. another young Short-toed Eagle is involved in the satellite telemetry program. It is a male, named VID, which also hatched in the “Vrčac mountains”. This action was carried out by the Foundation in cooperation with the Nature Association “GEA” from Vršac, and with the Managing body of the “Vršac Mountains” and the Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”.
The transmitters are financed by the company “Telekom Srbija” a.d. Belgrade.
Vid, 31.07.2021. (photo by Milivoj Vučanović)
Ognjenka, July 2020. (photo by Milivoj Vučanović)
The Short-Toed Eagle is a migratory species that spends the winter in sub-Saharan Africa. This population in the Vršac Mountains has been monitored by ranger Milivoj Vučanović for more than a two decade. Until now, there were data on the activities of a pair of Eagles, the success of nesting, but now we have the opportunity to monitor their young on his journey to Africa and back, with all the data provided by this methodology.
The young female “Ognjenka”. The bird was big, in good condition. She was professionally processed, ringed with a metal ring of the Center for Marking Animals of the Natural Museum in Belgrade, as well as a plastic ring (mark “AL”, red color on the left leg). She was tagged with 25 grams “Ornitela” GPS/GSM satellite transmitter, with solar power as well, and the bird was safely returned to the nest.
“Home Range” before leaving for migration.
N E W S !
17.08.2020. The bird began to leave the nest and move around.
27.09.2020. Ognjenka started her autumn migration at around 10 am. On the first day, she flew about 200 km.
09.10.2020. After 12 days of autumn migration, Ognjenka arrived in Africa. She happily passed the very dangerous zone of Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, crossed the Suez Canal, enter the Egypt and now, following the Nile, descends to the south and her destination where she will spend the winter.
15.10.2020 Ognjenka “called” from Sudan. She flew 5.272 km and arrived in sub-Saharan Africa.
25.10.2020. Ognjenka “stationed” in the south of Sudan and now is moving less, hunting around. The autumn migration is over and here are some details of how it went:
The migration lasted from 27.09.2020. (Vršac Mountains, Serbia) until 25.10.2020. (Sudan), or 28 days.
She flew a total of 6765 km, on average 270.6 km per day.
She flew the longest daily distance on the 11.10.2020, 364 km, in Egypt, following the Nile River.
The highest recorded altitude was 3056 m above sea level, 10.10.2020, at 11:47:44 (UTC), Egypt (GPS: 24.9449 33.401.28).
The highest recorded speed was 96 km/h, 13.10.2020, at 14:49:47 (UTC), Sudan (GPS: 15.73369 31.81189).
Autumn migration, 27.09-25.10.2020.
25.01.2021. After a 3 months of “wintering” Ognjenka in Africa she flew 4778 km or an average of 51.93 km/day. The highest recorded height of flight is 3343 m above sea level, but she has risen so high only a few times. Mostly she is below 2000 m above sea level. The highest recorded flight speed is 101 km/h.
3 months of “wintering” Ognjenka, 25.10.2020-25.01.2021. years
Ognjenka’s spring migration started on 1.5.2021. years. She left Chad and flew to Sudan and Egypt. Since this is a young individual, who is not yet fully mature, her urge to return is not so strong. She spent all summer in TUrkey and came back to Chad where is now.
Vid started moving in 11 days earlier than in Ognjenka, on 18.09.2021.and he is now moving towards sub-Saharan Africa. He successfully flew over Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, crossed the Suez Canal and is now descending to the south, following the Nile.