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Spanish vultures in the Balkans
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A new paper on the genetic analysis of Griffon Vultures has been published
Dear friends,
It is our great pleasure to inform you that the paper has been published: “Genetic Diversity Analysis of Mitochondrial Cytb Gene, Phylogeny and Phylogeography of Protected Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) from Serbia” in which the Birds of Prey Protection Foundation also participated.
You are able to a look at the paper HERE… »
Citation: Davidović, S.; Marinković, S.; Kukobat, M.; Mihajlović, M.; Tanasić, V.; Hribšek, I.; Tanasković, M.; Stamenković-Radak, M. Genetic Diversity Analysis of Mitochondrial Cytb Gene, Phylogeny and Phylogeography of Protected Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) from Serbia. Life 2022, 12, 164.
Calendar for 2022
The Birds of Prey Protection Foundation, in cooperation with Publikom, has published a calendar for 2022 with selected photographs of birds from the XVII competition “Birds in Action”. The calendar is also in memory of Predrag Bata Ristanovic, one of the founders of the Foundation and the creator of the “Birds in Action” project.
Calendars can be purchased at a price of RSD 500.00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Foundation’s office (142 Bulevar Despota Stefana, Belgrade) or ordered by payment to the Foundation’s account (No. 325-9500900016839-20, Foundation for the Protection of Birds of Prey, 142 Despot Stefan Boulevard, Belgrade, marked “Purchase of calendars for 2022”). By purchasing calendars, you are helping the Foundation’s work on the protection of endangered species.
Secretary, Vuk Popić
The Birds of Prey Protection Foundation
Bulevar Despota Stefana 142
11000 Belgrade
+ 381.
+ 381.66.413.574
Exhibition of photographs from the XVII competition in 2021
From 10 to 17.12.2021. An exhibition of the best photographs from the XVII Competition of the Foundation for the Protection of Birds of Prey was held in 2010, under the auspices of the Photo Association of Serbia, at the “Vlada Divljan” Cultural Center. On that occasion, a new poster with the winning photo and educational material of the Foundation was promoted.
Photos from the exhibition can be viewed here (click for larger view and information on the title of the work and the author).
Report on marking and monitoring of Griffon Vultures in SRN “Uvac”, 2021.
We are very pleased to present the report on the marking and monitoring of Griffon Vultures in 2021 in the Special Nature Reserve “Uvac”.
You can find it HERE… »
Photo exhibition opened at the “Vlada Divljan” Cultural Center
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Awarded photographs at the XVII competition “Birds in action”
This year’s, XVII competition for the best photograph on the topic “Birds in Action”, organized by the Birds of Prey Protection Foundation, under the auspices of the Photo Association of Serbia, was attended by 40 authors with 146 works.
As always, the best photo from the competition will be found on the prestigious poster of the Foundation. The company “Publikum” d.o.o. will, in memory of one of the founders of the Foundation for the Birds of Prey Protection Foundation, Predrag Bata Ristanović, print a poster of the winning photo as well as a calendar for 2022, which will make selected photos.
35 works from the competition will be shown at the exhibition from 10 to 17 December 2021 in the Cultural Center “Vlada Divljan, Mitropolita Petra Street No. 8 in Belgrade.
According to the jury composed of:
– Saša Preradović MF FSS.
– Milan Zivković MF FSS
– Aleksandar Milosavljević ULUS
– PhD Saša Marinković ornithologist
The winning photos from this year’s competition are:
1st prize, Falco naumanni, author Vukas Vucković
2nd prize, Buteo buteo author Slobodan Čavić
3rd prize, Panurus biarmicus, author Saša Malezić
Thank you all for participating, and congratulations to the award-winning authors!
In addition to the winners, two photos were especially praised:
Motacilla flava, author Predrag Kostin
Ognjenka and Vid in the satellite telemetry program
From 29.07.2020. year, we follow a young female Short Toed-Eagle, OGNJENKA, who was hatched in the Vršac mountains.
After leaving the nest, Ognjenka spent some time in the area, and on 27.09.2020. embarked on an autumn migration and descended all the way to Sudan, covering a total of 6765 km in 28 days. She spent the winter in Sudan and Chad, and on 1.5.2021. headed north. As this is a young individual who still has no urge to return to the place where she hatched, she spent the spring and summer of this year in Turkey, and then returned to Chad, where she is now.
31.07.2021 another young Short-Toed Eagle is involved in the satellite telemetry program. It is a male named VID, who also hatched in the Vršac Mountains. The action was carried out by the Birds of Prey Protection Foundation in cooperation with the Nature Association “GEA” from Vrsac, and the manager of PIO “Vrsacke planine” and the Institute for Biological Research “Sinisa Stankovic”, an Institute of national importance for the Republic of Serbia at the University of Belgrade.
Vid, 31.07.2021. years (photo by Milivoj Vučanović)
Vid started moving in 11 days earlier than in Ognjenka, on 18.09.2021.and he is now moving towards sub-Saharan Africa. He successfully flew over Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, crossed the Suez Canal and is now descending to the south, following the Nile.
XVII Competition for the best photo of 2021 – “Birds in action!”
As in previous years, the Birds of Prey Protection Foundation organized the Best Photography Competition: “The Birds in Action” under the auspices of the “Photo Association of Serbia”.
The best photographs from the previous competitions are on the posters and calendar of the Foundation, showing all the beauty of diversity and at the same time calling for the protection of endangered species in Serbia. Our goal is also to popularize the author’s photo inspired by birds, but also to point out the bad status of endangered species and natural habitats in Serbia.
Everybody can participate in it, regardless of residence and whether they are dealing with photography professionally or amateurly. According to the competition rules, one participant can send up to four (4) photographs. Only wild bird photos – recorded exclusively in nature, come into consideration. Photos from ZOOs or birds from captivity will be excluded. The photos can be black and white or in color or in digital form. The photo format is “JPG”, at least 1920 pixels in length on a longer page format, at a resolution of 300 dpi.
Each group of photos should also follow the information and “Application Form” about the author (name, surname, address, contact telephone and e-mail) and the work (name, where and when the photo was taken). The name of the photo and the serial number must be in accordance with the “Application form”, and by signing the Application, the author declares that all the photos are his. Application-Form 2021
With strict compliance with copyright law photos participating in the Competition, the Birds of Prey Protection Foundation will use to achieve their goals – the protection of endangered species, unless the author requires otherwise. The submission of photographs to third parties is possible only with the agreement with the author!
The deadline for the reception of this year’s works is November 1, 2021. After that the expert jury will review the works and choose the best photographs. It will notify interested parties about their final decision no later than November 10, 2021, through the Foundation website and Facebook page. The winners will be notified by e-mail about that, as well as awards.
The Birds of Prey Protection Foundation will also organize an Exhibition of the best photographs from 10th to 17nd of December 2021, (Cultural Center “Vlado DIvljan”, st. Mitropolita Petra br. 8, Belgrade)and we will let you know about the place and time later. The Exhibition will be accompanied by a Catalog of selected works on the 18th calendar of the Foundation for 2021, which will include catalog data and will be delivered to photo authors either at the exhibition itself or by the end of 2020. The exhibition will also include the promotion of posters with award-winning photography from the competition.
The Birds of Prey Protection Foundation
Address: Bulevar Despota Stefana 142, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
or on E-mail:
Vuk Popić, Secretary
The Birds of Prey Protection Foundation
Bulevar Despota Stefana 142
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone. +381. and mob. +381.66.413.574
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